đī¸ Concepts
Before we can learn more about CnosDB, we need to become familiar with some basic concepts in CnosDB, which will help us follow up on learning and better use of CnosDB.In order to help better understand these concepts, the present article will provide an example of how the elements work together in CnosDB and include a list of concepts in the final section.
đī¸ Architecture
Developed in the Rust language, CnosDB 2.0 provides users with an excellent time-series database that builds a complete DBaaS solution thanks to its excellent security, high performance, and strong community support.
đī¸ Metadata Cluster
Metadata cluster refers to the Meta cluster service.Meta service is one of the core components of CnosDB distributed database system, responsible for the metadata storage and management of the entire cluster.The Meta cluster is implemented through the Raft consensus protocol.Maintain a strong consistency meta cluster through RESTful API. Meta cluster api serves externally, while nodes also subscribe to updates to meta information.All metadata information updates are done through the Meta cluster.
đī¸ Query engines
SQL Engine
đī¸ Storage Engine
TSKV Index and Data Storage
đī¸ Data Sharding and Replication
CnosDB stores data in two dimensions: time-based sharding and Hash sharding.
đī¸ Compression Algorithm
Time series data has a large scale and may contain a lot of redundancy, so compression methods are often used in time series databases to save storage space and reduce the I/O cost of query execution. Below, we will discuss the compression techniques used in CnosDB.
đī¸ Cloud Native
Cloud-native technology helps organizations build and operate applications that can be elastically scaled in new dynamic environments such as public cloud, private cloud, and hybrid cloud.Representative technologies of cloud-native include containers, service mesh, microservices, immutable infrastructure, and declarative API.