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Version: 2.3.x


📄️ Quorum Algorithm

Quorum algorithm is a voting algorithm commonly used in distributed systems to ensure data redundancy and eventual consistency. Quorum is used to ensure that if some participants fail, we can still collect votes from the surviving participants and continue to execute the algorithm. A Quorum represents the minimum number of votes needed to perform an action, typically a majority of participants. The core idea behind Quorum is that even if participants fail or happen to be separated by network partitions, at least one of them can act as an arbiter to ensure the accuracy of the protocol.When "W + R > N", the latest data can be determined by timestamp, version number, etc. In other words, under the combination of parameters that meet this condition, the strong consistency of data can be realized.Quorum 表示执行操作所需的最小票数,通常为多数派的参与者。Quorum 背后的核心思想就是,即使参与者发生故障或恰好被网络分区隔开,也至少有一个参与者可以充当仲裁者,以确保协议的准确性。