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Version: 2.3.x


Client CLI


The parameters of the program are as follows:

    -h --host CnosDB            Host of the service. The default is "localhost".
-p --port CnosDB Port of the service. The default is 8902.
-u --user Username. The default value is "CnosDB".
-p --password Password. None by default.
-d --database Connected database. The default value is "public".
-t --target-partitions Optional; the number of slices to execute the query, increasing which can increase concurrency. Not specified by default.
--data-path Data storage location of CLI program. The default is the directory where the client is executed.
-f --file Optional; it executse multiple command scripts and exits.
--rc Optional; profile.
--format Output format. The default is "Table" format.
--quiet To run in quiet mode, output only the result, not execution time.
--tenant Tenant name. The default value is "cnosdb".

After entering the program you can run the command or SQL:.

Run an SQL example:

Query took 0.050 seconds.

Run a command example:

The commands for the program are as follows:

    \?          Command Help
\q Exit CLI
\c <db> Connect the database "db_name", db_name is case sensitive
\d <table> Describe the table "table"
\quiet Switch to quiet mode, output only the result, not execution time
\w <path> Read a file in Line Protocol format and write it to the database, if path is a directory, all files in the directory will be written to the database