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Telegraf is an open-source server agent program used to collect metrics from stacks, sensors, and systems, centralize output to a database, with minimal memory usage, and support extension through plugins.Telegraf configuration is simple and easy to use, which greatly reduces the difficulty of data acquisition compared to collecting data through handwritten scripts.

Usage Scenarios

  • IoT Sensor Data: Data transmitted based on protocols such as MQTT, ModBus, OPC-UA, and Kafka.
  • DevOps framework data: Operational metrics of platforms or frameworks such as GitHub, Kubernetes, CloudWatch, Prometheus, etc.
  • System Telemetry Data: System telemetry metrics such as iptables, Netstat, NGINX, and HAProxy.

Plugin System

  1. Input: Collect metric data from system, service, or third-party API.
  2. Processing: Process and decorate the data before sending the metric data to keep it clean.
  3. Aggregation: Generating aggregated metrics, such as average, minimum, maximum, etc. of metric data.
  4. Output: Write data to data storage, service, or message queue, such as CnosDB, InfluxDB, Graphite, OpenTSDB, Datadog, Kafka, MQTT, NSQ, etc.

In the following text, we will introduce how to install and configure Telegraf to collect system metrics data and store it in CnosDB.

Telegraf Deployment

  • Download

Official download link

  • Installation

Official Installation Tutorial (v1.23)

  • Start

Official Basic Tutorial (v1.23)

Telegraf Configuration

  • Manually generate configuration file
telegraf --sample-config > telegraf.conf
  • Default Configuration File Path

  • macOS Homebrew: /usr/local/etc/telegraf.conf

  • Linux debian and RPM packages: /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf

  • Edit configuration files using vim or other text editors

To output index data to CnosDB, we need to configure the output plugin http of Telegraf to output line protocol data to the write interface of CnosDB.

Find [[outputs.http]] in the configuration file, and modify its content as follows:

url = "http://CnosDB地址:CnosDB端口/api/v1/write?db=cnos"
timeout = "5s"
method = "POST"
username = "用户名"
password = "密码"
data_format = "influx"
use_batch_format = true
content_encoding = "identity"
idle_conn_timeout = 10

In the configuration above, there are some texts that may need to be replaced:

  • CnosDB Address
  • CnosDB Port
  • Username
  • Password

Such as:

url = "http://host.docker.internal:8902/api/v1/write?db=cnos"
timeout = "5s"
method = "POST"
username = "admin"
password = "admin"
data_format = "influx"
use_batch_format = true
content_encoding = "identity"
idle_conn_timeout = 10

Next, start the Telegraf service and provide the path to the configuration file:

macOS Homebrew

telegraf --config telegraf.conf

Linux (sysvinit and upstart installations)

sudo service telegraf start

Linux (systemd installations)

systemctl start telegraf

Next, use the CnosDB query interface to view the data to verify if Telegraf is running correctly:

curl -XPOST 'http://<CnosDB地址>:<CnosDB端口>/api/v1/sql?db=cnos'
-u "<用户名>:<密码>"
-H 'ACCEPT: application/json' \
-d 'SELECT * from cpu limit 1'

In the command above, there are some texts that may need to be replaced:

  • CnosDB Address
  • CnosDB Port
  • Username
  • Password

Such as:

> curl -XPOST ''
-u "root:"
-H 'ACCEPT: application/json' \
-d 'SELECT * from cpu limit 1'

With the correct configuration, we are able to obtain the following results:

"cpu": "cpu0",
"host": "_HOST",
"time": "2022-10-10 10:10:10",
"usage_guest": 0.0,
"usage_guest_nice": 0.0,
"usage_idle": 99.49899799596298,
"usage_iowait": 0.10020040080156893,
"usage_irq": 0.0,
"usage_nice": 0.0,
"usage_softirq": 0.10020040080156893,
"usage_steal": 0.0,
"usage_system": 0.10020040080155113,
"usage_user": 0.20040080160317345


CnosDB-Telegraf is developed based on Telegraf (re1.25, commit 86cd0c0c2), adding some functions and plugins.

Changes compared to Telegraf

Parser Plugin

Add Parser plugins OpenTSDB and OpenTSDB-Telnet for collecting OpenTSDB write requests.

  • OpenTSDB

By using the Input plugin http_listener_v2 and configuring data_format to "opentsdb", you will be able to parse write requests in OpenTSDB format.

service_address = ":8080"
paths = ["/api/put"]
methods = ["POST", "PUT"]
data_format = "opentsdb"
  • OpenTSDB-Telnet

By using the Input plugin socket_listener and configuring data_format to "opentsdbtelnet", you will be able to parse write requests in OpenTSDB-Telnet format.

service_address = "tcp://:8081"
data_format = "opentsdbtelnet"

Output Plugin

Add Output plugin CnosDB to output metrics to CnosDB.

url = "localhost:8902"
user = "user"
password = "pass"
database = "telegraf"
  • Configuration Introduction
urlCnosDB GRpc service address
databaseCnosDB database

Input Plugin

Add configuration parameter high_priority_io to enable end-to-end mode.

When set to true, the written data will be immediately sent to the Output plugin and the return value will be determined based on the return parameters of the Output plugin.

service_address = ":8080"
paths = ["/api/put"]
methods = ["POST", "PUT"]
data_format = "opentsdb"
high_priority_io = true

The configuration above differs from the configuration in the Output Plugin section by adding the high_priority_io = true configuration option.


  • Clone the repository from Github:

git clone
  • Execute make build in the warehouse directory

cd cnos-telegraf
make build


  • Execute the following command to view the test cases:

telegraf --help
  • Generate a standard telegraf configuration file

telegraf config > telegraf.conf
  • Generate a telegraf configuration file, containing only the cpu metric collection & influxdb output plugins

telegraf config --section-filter agent:inputs:outputs --input-filter cpu --output-filter influxdb
  • Run telegraf but output collected metrics to standard output

telegraf --config telegraf.conf --test
  • Run telegraf and manage loaded plugins through configuration file

telegraf --config telegraf.conf
  • Run telegraf, only load cpu & memory metrics collection, and influxdb output plugin

telegraf --config telegraf.conf --input-filter cpu:mem --output-filter influxdb