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Version: 2.3.x


Is used to manipulate data stored in a database.



CnosDB requires the inserted data columns to have a timestamp and the VALUES list must be constant. If a column is not selected, the value is NULL.

The time column cannot be NULL, TAG column and FIELD column can be NULL.

For example, INSERT INTO air (TIME, station, visibility) VALUES(1666132800000000000, NULL, NULL)

If the VALUES list needs an expression, use the INSERT SELECT syntax.

INSERT [INTO] tb_name [ ( column_name [, ...] ) ] VALUES (  const [, ...] ) [, ...] | select_statment;
View the INSERT example

Insert a record.

INSERT INTO air (TIME, station, visibility, temperature, pressure) VALUES(new(), 'XiaoMaiDao', 56, 69, 77);

Insert multiple records.

INSERT INTO air (TIME, station, visibility, temperature, pressure) VALUES
('2022-10-19 05:40:00', 'XiaoMaiDao', 55, 68, 76),
('2022-10-19 04:40:00', 'XiaoMaiDao', 55, 68, 76);

Insert records based on query results.

  1. Create a new table.
CREATE TABLE air_visibility (
visibility DOUBLE,
  1. Insert records into air_visibility based on query results.
INSERT air_visibility (TIME, station, visibility) SELECT TIME, station, visibility FROM air;