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CnosDB vs TimeScaleDB

CnosDB supports writing Line Protocol protocol data through native HTTP interface, while TimeScaleDB does not support writing Line Protocol protocol data through native HTTP interface, so it uses different data sources

CnosDB 2.4.1 vs TimeScaleDB 2.10.1

Comparative performance testing between CnosDB 2.4.1 and TimeScaleDB 2.10.1 has been conducted on write, query, and compression ratio performance, below are the test conclusions and test details information.


CnosDB is better than TimeScaleDB for writing, query and compression


1. Test Environment Preparedness

CPU:64 CPUs x Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 5218 CPU @ 2.30GHz

Memory: 256 GB

Disk: SSD NVMe Protocol

2. Test case preparation

  1. The db environment of the corresponding machine is installed in advance to ensure proper connectivity.

  2. Install CnosDB:

    Refer to the deployment document: Install CnosDB

  3. Install TimeScaleDB

    Refer to the official website: TimeScaleDB 2.10.1

3) Configuration Check & Modify

CnosDB and TimeScaleDB only modified the storage folder paths for Data, Wal, and Meta, while keeping the rest as default. This will not be repeated here.

4. Dataset preparation

UsageDetermine the PRNG-seedNumber of devices to generateStart timestampEnd timestampInterval between readings per deviceTarget databaseData SizeRows

Test medium term

TimeScaleDB Testing Tool

CnosDB Testing Tool

  1. Tsdb-comparisons generate data
generate_data --use-case="iot" --seed=123 --scale=100 --timestamp-start="2020-01-01T00:00:00Z" --timestamp-end="2021-01-07T00:00:00Z" --log-interval="6.3s" --format="cnosdb" | gzip > cnosdb-iot-123-100-2021-data.gz
  1. Generate TimeScaleDB dataset
tsbs_generate_data --use-case="iot" --seed=123 --scale=100 --timestamp-start="2020-01-01T00:00:00Z" --timestamp-end="2021-01-01T00:00:00Z" --log-interval="6.3s" --format="timescaledb" | gzip > timescaledb-iot-123-100-2021-data.gz
  1. Start CnosDB
nohup ./target/release/cnosdb run --config ./config/config_8902.toml -M singleton &
  1. Start TimeScaleDB
systemctl start postgresql-14
  1. The configuration of the CosDB is as follows:
./load_cnosdb --do-abort-on-exist=false --do-create-db=false --gzip=false --file=cnodb-iot-seed-123-scale-100-2021 --db-name=<db_name> --urls="http://<ip>:8902" --batch-size=<batch_size_num> --workers=<workers_num>
  1. Execute load to TimeScaleDB:
./bin/tsbs_load_timescaledb --postgres="sslmode=disable" --host="localhost" --port=5432 --pass="password" --user="postgres" --file="./timescaledb-iot-123-100-2021-data" --db-name="benchmark" --batch-size=<batch_size_num> --workers=<workers_num>

Write Test Results

CnosDB 2.4.1TimeScaleDB 2.10.1Performance Multiples
110w~150w row/s60~63w row/s2

Query Test Results

SQLCnosDB 2.4.1TimeScaleDB 2.10.1
select count (*) from readings1.221s6.902 s
1天时间聚合查询(select count(*), max(latitude), min(latitude), avg(latitude) from readings where ts >= '2021-01-01 00:00:00.000000' and ts <= '2021-01-02 00:00:00.000000';)0.166s0.085 s
10天时间聚合查询(select count(*), max(latitude), min(latitude), avg(latitude) from readings where ts >= '2021-01-01 00:00:00.000000' and ts <= '2021-01-10 00:00:00.000000';)0.176s0.707 s
90天时间聚合查询(select count(*), max(latitude), min(latitude), avg(latitude) from readings where ts >= '2020-01-01 00:00:00.000000' and ts <= '2021-01-01 00:00:00.000000';)1.352s6.831 s
180天时间聚合查询(select count(*), max(latitude), min(latitude), avg(latitude) from readings where ts >= '2020-01-01 00:00:00.000000' and ts <= '2021-01-01 00:00:00.000000';)2.313s13.827 s
1年时间聚合查询(select count(*), max(latitude), min(latitude), avg(latitude) from readings where ts >= '2020-01-01 00:00:00.000000' and ts <= '2021-01-01 00:00:00.000000';)3.564s28.063 s

Compression Ratio Test Result

CnosDB 2.4.1TimeScaleDB 2.10.1
Original Data201G164G
Data written to disk after being written26G22G
Compression ratio7.73077.45