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Version: 2.4.x

Date/Time Functions

The time and date functions are a collection of functions used to handle and manipulate time and date data.They include operations such as getting the current time, formatting dates, comparing times, and calculating time intervals.Time and date functions can help you handle time-related tasks, such as calculating date differences, scheduling tasks, and calendar functions, etc.


Return the current UTC timestamp.

View now() Example
SELECT now();
| now() |
| 2024-03-11T09:52:26.574620673Z |


Return the current UTC date.

View current_date Example
SELECT current_date();
| current_date() |
| 2024-03-11 |


Return the current UTC time.

View current_date Example
SELECT current_time();
| current_time() |
| 11:30:04.708668926 |


Calculate the time interval and return the starting point of the interval closest to the specified timestamp.By grouping rows into time-based 'bins' or 'windows' and applying aggregation or selector functions, downsample time series data to each window using date_bin.

date_bin(interval, expression, origin-timestamp)
expressionThe time expression to operate.Can be a constant, column, or function.
origin-timestampOptional.The starting point for determining the bin boundaries.If not specified, it defaults to 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z (UNIX epoch in UTC).

Please refer to duration units for supported interval time units

View date_bin Example

If you bin the data into 15-minute intervals, entering the timestamp 2024-01-01T18:18:18Z will be updated to the start time of its 15-minute bin: 2024-01-01T18:15:00Z.

SELECT date_bin(INTERVAL '15' MINUTE, TIMESTAMP '2024-01-01T18:18:18Z');
| date_bin(IntervalMonthDayNano("900000000000"),Utf8("2024-01-01T18:18:18Z")) |
| 2024-01-01T18:15:00 |


Truncate the timestamp value to the specified precision.

date_trunc(precision, expression)
precisionThe precision of the truncated time.Support: year, quarter, month, week, day, hour, minute, second.
expressionThe time expression to operate.Can be a constant, column, or function.

Alias: datetrunc

View date_trunc Example
SELECT date_trunc('month', time) AS month, avg(temperature) AS avg_temperature FROM air GROUP BY month;
| month | avg_temperature |
| 2023-02-01T00:00:00 | 65.09259672619048 |
| 2023-03-01T00:00:00 | 65.00373418686176 |
| 2023-01-01T00:00:00 | 64.96063701923077 |


Returns the specified part of the date in integer form.

date_part(part, expression)
partA part of the date to be returned.Support: year, quarter, month, week, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, microsecond, nanosecond, dow, doy, epoch.
expressionThe time expression to operate.Can be a constant, column, or function.

Alias: datepart

View date_part Example

Extract the month from the date.

SELECT date_part('month', '2024-05-13') AS month;


Return subfields from a time value in integer form.Similar to date_part, but with different parameters.

extract(field FROM source)
fieldA part of the date to be returned.Support: year, quarter, month, week, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, microsecond, nanosecond, dow, doy, epoch.
sourceThe time expression to operate.Can be a constant, column, or function.
View extract Example

Extract the month from the date.

SELECT extract(month FROM  '2024-05-13') AS month;


Converts the value to a timestamp (YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z).Supports string, integer, unsigned integer, and double-precision floating-point number types as input.If [Chrono format] is not provided, the string will be parsed according to RFC3339 (e.g. 2023-07-20T05:44:00).Integers, unsigned integers, and double-precision floating-point numbers are interpreted as the number of seconds since the Unix epoch (1970-01-01T00:00:00Z).Return the corresponding timestamp.


to_timestamp returns a timestamp (in nanoseconds).The range supported for integer input is between -9223372037 and 9223372036.The range supported for string input is between 1677-09-21T00:12:44.0 and 2262-04-11T23:47:16.0.Please use to_timestamp_seconds for inputs that are beyond the supported range.

to_timestamp(expression[, ..., format_n])
expressionExpression to operate on.Can be a constant, column, or function, and any combination of arithmetic operators.
format_nOptional Chrono format string used to parse the expression.Will attempt formats in the order they appear and return the first successful format.If no format can successfully parse the expression, an error will be returned.
View to_timestamp Example
select to_timestamp('2023-01-31T09:26:56.123456789-05:00');
| to_timestamp(Utf8("2023-01-31T09:26:56.123456789-05:00")) |
| 2023-01-31T14:26:56.123456789 |


Converts the value to a timestamp (YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00.000Z).Supports string, integer, and unsigned integer types as input.If [Chrono format] is not provided, the string will be parsed according to RFC3339 (e.g. 2023-07-20T05:44:00).Integers and unsigned integers are interpreted as the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch (1970-01-01T00:00:00Z).Return the corresponding timestamp.

to_timestamp_millis(expression[, ..., format_n])
expressionExpression to operate on.Can be a constant, column, or function, and any combination of arithmetic operators.
format_nOptional Chrono format string used to parse the expression.Will attempt formats in the order they appear and return the first successful format.If no format can successfully parse the expression, an error will be returned.
View to_timestamp_millis Example
select to_timestamp_millis('2023-01-31T09:26:56.123456789-05:00');
| to_timestamp_millis(Utf8("2023-01-31T09:26:56.123456789-05:00")) |
| 2023-01-31T14:26:56.123 |


Converts the value to a timestamp (YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00.000000Z).Supports string, integer, and unsigned integer types as input.If [Chrono format] is not provided, the string will be parsed according to RFC3339 (e.g. 2023-07-20T05:44:00).Integers and unsigned integers are interpreted as the number of microseconds since the Unix epoch (1970-01-01T00:00:00Z).Return the corresponding timestamp.

to_timestamp_micros(expression[, ..., format_n])
expressionExpression to operate on.Can be a constant, column, or function, and any combination of arithmetic operators.
format_nOptional Chrono format string used to parse the expression.Will attempt formats in the order they appear and return the first successful format.If no format can successfully parse the expression, an error will be returned.
View to_timestamp_micros Example
select to_timestamp_micros('2023-01-31T09:26:56.123456789-05:00');
| to_timestamp_micros(Utf8("2023-01-31T09:26:56.123456789-05:00")) |
| 2023-01-31T14:26:56.123456 |


Converts the value to a timestamp (YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00.000Z).Supports string, integer, and unsigned integer types as input.If [Chrono format] is not provided, the string will be parsed according to RFC3339 (e.g. 2023-07-20T05:44:00).Integers and unsigned integers are interpreted as the number of seconds since the Unix epoch (1970-01-01T00:00:00Z).Return the corresponding timestamp.

to_timestamp_seconds(expression[, ..., format_n])
expressionExpression to operate on.Can be a constant, column, or function, and any combination of arithmetic operators.
format_nOptional Chrono format string used to parse the expression.Will attempt formats in the order they appear and return the first successful format.If no format can successfully parse the expression, an error will be returned.
View to_timestamp_seconds Example
select to_timestamp_seconds('2023-01-31T09:26:56.123456789-05:00');
| to_timestamp_seconds(Utf8("2023-01-31T09:26:56.123456789-05:00")) |
| 2023-01-31T14:26:56 |


Converts the integer to RFC3339 timestamp format (YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00.000000000Z).Integers and unsigned integers are interpreted as the number of microseconds since the Unix epoch (1970-01-01T00:00:00Z), returning the corresponding timestamp.

expressionExpression to operate on.Can be a constant, column, or function, and any combination of arithmetic operators.
SELECT from_unixtime(1672531200);
| from_unixtime(Int64(1672531200)) |
| 2023-01-01T00:00:00 |